I love reading all the comments people leave me on YouTube. My mom says a lot of the kids who like to watch my most popular video, Mighty Machines: Digging a Hole - Part 1, are around two years old. Here are some of the nice comments they have left:
"Hi Wade, Thanks for the superb video. Agustin, 2, thinks you are a superdiggerhero!" - Danielle Patterson
"My 2 year old son enjoyed your video. Great job, Wade!" - CarenL27
"Dear Wade, my 1 1-1/2 year old and 2-1/2 year old think your videos are awesome. They want to watch them over and over. You are very informative and entertaining. Thanks for sharing with us." - Brian Williams
"Wade!! We love you over here at our house. Our son Cameron is crazy about your videos and gets so excited when we put them on. We like to say that he is definitely a member of the Official Wade Fan Club! :) Thank you and your Mom for all the happiness you bring Cameron with your excellent Mighty Machines videos. We hope to see more soon! Oh, and if you feel like making a video encouraging teeth brushing, we would be very grateful. I am sure Cameron would be inspired!
You're the greatest!" - nunpower29
"Our 21 month old loves this so much! He tries to imitate Wade when he's playing with his skidsteer and dump truck. :-)" -dnmrosen1210
' My 2 year old son loves watching this as much as the real Mighty Machines! He walks up to me and starts patting my pockets down like a thief looking for my phone saying -
"KID... MIGHTY SHEENS! KID!" ' -OnlineNonsense
"Thank-you for making this movie, I really enjoyed it!" - Michael Maynard (3 from Canada)
Sometimes grown ups like my video, too. Here's what some of them have said:
"Great video Wade! Brings back lots of memories of my childhood and playing with cars and trucks! You keep up the good work buddy!" - kingrukus1234
"Lol what a great video! Reminds of mine childhood times...." - spiritualmanergeyAnd one of my Mom's favorites:
"this is strangely interesting and entertaining." -darthcroweI'm so glad people like watching my videos. I have so much fun making them. Hmm, I like the idea of an "Official Wade Fan Club". If you have ideas as to what members of the Fan Club would get, let me know!